
Sunday Worship in Corpus Christi

Sunday Worship Service 10:30am

Embracing Sunday Worship

Our Sunday worship is not just a time for passive observation but an opportunity for active participation. Through responsive readings, affirmations of faith, and opportunities for personal reflection, we engage with the sacred in a way that transforms us from within. May our time together on Sundays continue to nourish our souls, strengthen our faith, and empower us to live out our values in the world.

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Experience Love and Hope: Extend Your Hand, Become Our Guest!

Would you be our guest? If you come, I know you will experience two things. First is love. The Bible tells us that God is love, and by experiencing him and the warm embrace of a church community, you will experience an environment of love. The second is hope. The moment a person starts to trust in the Lord and follow Him, God begins to direct their paths. When your path is directed by God, great hope will rise in your heart.

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Trinity Worship Center: Your Gateway to Spiritual Growth

So, what is waiting for you at Trinity Worship Center? Love and hope. This is a great combination and hard to beat in a fast-paced, ever-changing, and empty culture. Know that your experience of love and hope at Trinity Worship Center is just the beginning of what all God has for you in our community!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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Our Mission

HELPING PEOPLE MOVE FORWARD. This is our mission. We are deeply motivated to bear burdens and meet needs. We help people from all walks of life, no matter their belief systems. Then we ask God to use us to help others get unstuck and push away from the old and into a positive direction. Toward God and a good future is the forward motion we desire to see in ourselves and others, and this alone is our marker for success.

Foundations of Our Beliefs: Exploring Our Values

  • We believe in worship that is spirit-led and authentic.
  • We believe in fellowship that highly values the individual and is hospitality+. Hospitality+ is hospitality that treats others like honored family and serves them as best they know how, especially our guests.
  • We believe in discipleship that is relational and focused on learning. Learning is the context of the discipleship relationship.
  • We believe in ministry that empowers people for a divine purpose through support.
  • We believe in sharing our faith with compassion, clarity, and His power.
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a cross is silhouetted against a sunset sky with a city in the background .

Check Out Our Calendar of Events

Experience the Power of Youth Service

At Trinity Worship Center, we understand the importance of providing a safe and welcoming space for our youth to grow spiritually and develop meaningful connections with their peers. Whether it's through fun activities, service projects, or small group discussions, we strive to create an inclusive community where every young person feels valued, accepted, and supported.

Join us for an uplifting and transformative experience at our youth service, where we are dedicated to empowering the next generation to shine brightly and make a positive impact in the world. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

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Transformative Healing Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer to bring about transformation and renewal in our lives. We invite you to join us and experience the life-changing power of God's love and grace. May you encounter His presence in a tangible way and receive the healing and wholeness that only He can provide.

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Your Contribution Matters

Thank you for your contributions to our local assembly. By giving to this ministry, you are putting feet to the vision of helping people move forward in God and in life, and we consider every dollar a sacred responsibility in advancing said vision. Please make a note of what you are giving after you click the button below entitled "Click Now" and enter the amount given. Thank you!

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Discover Our Church: Plan Your Visit!

We look forward to connecting with you and making your first visit comfortable and beneficial. When you come, you will experience the grace of God, which can build you up for life. Whether you're seeking spiritual nourishment, a supportive community, or simply a place to belong, Trinity Worship Center is here to welcome you with open arms. Together, let's explore the boundless depths of God's love and grace.

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Reach Out!

If you have specific questions, want to know more about Trinity Worship Center, or simply need some support, we're here to help. Fill out the form below with your contact details, and we'll be in touch soon!

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Why Is Trinity Worship Center So Popular?

At Trinity Worship Center, our Sunday worship experience stands as a cornerstone of our community. The popularity of our Sunday worship is attributed to its transformative power and enriching nature.

We meticulously craft our Sunday worship services to engage hearts and minds. Sunday worship services at Trinity Worship Center foster a sense of belonging and connection among our members.

Trinity Worship Center offers a Sunday worship experience that resonates deeply with individuals seeking spiritual growth, connection, and renewal in Central City, Texas. Plan your visit today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Healing Prayer Time

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